Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Time to Dance...

“Life is like dancing. If we have a big floor, many people will dance. Some will get angry when the rhythm changes. But life is changing all the time.” Don Miguel Ruiz.

Life here comes with its ups and downs so I am trying to find a happy balance and get into the rhythm of Kenyan life and accept that change really is a good thing .... just give me patience.... (Although, I am still trying to figure out how open my organisation is to “change”?)

On Saturday 16th May I helped out at a Children’s Party which was being organised by another volunteer friend for her organisation. The party was for 300 orphan kids from 5 different Children’s Homes in Nairobi. It was great to see all the kids showing off their dancing skills and performing songs on the stage in front of everyone. We also had sports organised (sack races, egg and spoon race etc) for the older kids and face painting and dancing games for the younger kids. I really showed how inept I am at dancing when it was my turn to show off my moves and all I could seem to com
e up with was my impression of a wannabe John
Travolta in Saturday Night Fever... You should have seen the reaction on the kids faces...… Bewilderment!!

So with my lack of dancing skills very apparent I went along to an African Dance Class with some others last weekend... hoping I could I find my “mojo” … although lets be clear I am under no illusion that a person with zero co-ordination and absolutely no sense of rhythm will actually get it … but hopefully with a bit more practice I can master some of the foot moves if not the arm waving that accompanies the dancing!!!

From tribal dancing to Ballet dancing….. On Saturday night the Russian Ballet were in town performing so a couple of us decided to go along to the show as it would be rude to pass up an evening of staring at Russian men in “white tights”… It was highly amusing to see some of the Kenyans in the audience absolutely cracking up at the sight of the men frolicking around the stage… surely Not a very masculine thing to do!! Well as Brucie always says at the end of “Strictly”….. Keep Dancing…!!

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