Thursday, April 16, 2009

So close and yet so Far......!!!

Just had a great Easter weekend with 3 other volunteers Kelly, Anna and Rachel up in Lake Baringo… 2 and ½ hours north of Nakuru National Park!!!!

On Saturday I made my way from Nairobi by matatu to Soysambuu (just south of Nakuru) where I met a friend of a guy I used to work with in Musgraves. He lives in a house on the estate of Lord Delamare and has his very own wildlife park in his back garden. Got to see lots of flamingos, impalas, monkeys from his veranda as we sipped a glass of wine…. Eventually got a lift to Nakuru and met up with the girls in a small hotel for the night….

Early start at 7am on Saturday morning as we were informed that we could take the public Kenya Wildlife Service park bus into Lake Nakuru for a few hours trip which we were told left town at 8am.........WRONG… we waited and waited and waited ... until we we enquired again and found out it wasn’t going till much later on .....SO we decided to cut our losses and head on up to Lake Baringo…. Lake Nakuru could wait till the way back......

We bundled into a matatu and after 2 hours were dropped in a small town called Marigat.. from there we then argued for ages over the 70 shilling fare that the driver of a car wanted to charge us to take us to Lake Baringo.... after a stand-off for about 30 mins in the midday sun we finally gave in…….Finally arrived at Lake Baringo tired, sweaty, thirsty and a bit annoyed at ourselves for fighting over such little money… BUT it is the PRINCIPLE!!!
Lake Baringo as the guide book says is a twitters paradise (mmm!!) and home to loads of hippos which come out in droves at night..... so around our camp fire sipping our beer we could see them munching about 20 feet away from our tent by the lake shore….

On Sunday myself and Kelly went for a “guided scorpion and Snake walk” around the area (well we saw only 2 scorpions and one tiny poisonous snake!!!!) ... we got caught in a torrential downpour so we had to shelter for about an hour in a locals house until it passed … …. The whole place needed the rain as the area hadn’t had rain for months but my clothes are still BROWN from the mud afterwards.
We left relaxed on Monday am and got the direct bus to Nakuru this time and thought we would be in time to take the Official tour bus into Nakuru National Park............. BUT again we got some conflicting information and ended up negotiating with a guy from a tour company to take us around the park for 2.5 hours in his jeep @ 5 euro each (note: VERY GOOD PRICE)…. SO just as we are driving towards the park I spot the Actual official Kenya Wildlife bus behind us (which we knew was Only 2 euro per person) ….. so we flagged it down to get on and we ALL jumped out of the jeep and hopped on the tour bus… ONLY to find there were NO seats left and our jeep took off… SO we were dumped on the side of the road… and no way into Lake Nakuru this time……….............So close and yet so Far away!!!!!!
A bit disgruntled and mad with ourselves for being so stupid ........(note the recurring theme) we headed on back to Nairobi !!!! Lake Nakuru can wait......

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